Round 2 Summary
Round 2 of Autonity’s Piccadilly Circus Games Competition has come to a close. Participants in Round 2 were able to compete in a variety of tasks and challenges designed to further test the functionality and performance of the Autonity blockchain. These challenges included everything from validator setup and registration, setting up RPC nodes, generating transaction volume, scouting for bugs, and more tasks centered on developers, education, and community.
Winners from this round are determined in the same way as Round 1: number of challenges completed, meeting task targets and accurately reporting bugs. The winners from Round 2 will be contacted via email as to when and how they can claim their rewards.
Autonity is working on adding several new tasks to Round 3 to up the anti and to attract a wider array of participants. Information on Round 3 tasks, awards, and start-end dates will be released Friday the 2nd of June 2023. Those participants already registered from the first 2 rounds will automatically be enrolled.
To summarize Round 2, it was another great success — Autonity saw a number of new validators making the network more resilient. Transaction volume and contract deployment also increased substantially, allowing Autonity to progress to new tasks for Round 3. The Autonity community is excited to release details on the next round marking the halfway point in the competition with an increase in awards available to all of the participants.
Round 3 information will be released very soon.
For registration and game information: