Autonity Blockchain

The Tiber Challenge is live! Explore the Tiber Challenge repository for all the details and get started today!

Autonity is a public, EVM based, proof-of-stake blockchain for decentralized clearing of smart derivatives contracts.

Autonity aims to make every risk that the market wants to speculate on or hedge against into a smart derivative product that is tradable between anyone in a fully decentralized ecosystem of price discovery and trade execution.

The Autonity project is driven forward by a community that is passionate about the social benefits of monetary and market structure innovation. You can join and work with the Autonity "Piccadilly" testnet right now, and there will be further testnet initiatives in the near future!

As a follow-up to last year's "Piccadilly Circus Games Competition", opportunities for rewards continue with the Tiber Challenge. Check it out and get started!

Join the TestnetsAutonity Metrics

Protocol Summary

Execution EnvironmentEthereum Virtual Machine
Block Time1 second
Consensus ProtocolTendermint BFT
Sybil-ResistanceDelegated Proof-of-Stake
AccountabilitySlashing staked NTN on byzantine faults
Maximum Validators100
Utility CoinATN, "Auton"
Staking CoinNTN, "Newton"
Staking MechanismStaked NTN gets LNTN<node> "Liquid Newton" ERC20 token
Txn Fee MechanismGas fees set by EIP1559 control system, paid in ATN
Stabilization MechanismCDP, ATN borrowed against NTN or LNTN collateral
Stabilization TargetACU, a base-invariant, volatility-minimized index